Fire Reports
Please call 928-758-3971 to obtain a Fire Report. A request can also be submitted in writing to Bullhead City Fire Department 1260 Hancock Road, Bullhead City, AZ 86442.
The fee for receiving a copy of a fire report is $15 unless you are the property owner and have proof of identification.
If you submit a request in writing please be sure to note the date of the incident & the address or the incident number with the $15 fee.
The fee for receiving a copy of a fire report is $15 unless you are the property owner and have proof of identification.
If you submit a request in writing please be sure to note the date of the incident & the address or the incident number with the $15 fee.
EMS Records
EMS Medical & Billing Records can be obtained by contacting Action Ambulance Billing at 877-233-0403. If you are only looking for a Medical record only, you can also call 928-758-3971. Please note all medical information can only be released to those legally entitled to obtain the report. Bullhead Fire follows all HIPAA rules and regulations.
Public Records
Environmental Report Requests
For records on past fires or hazardous material spills/leaks within the city limits, please call, (928) 754-2001. In compliance with the AZ State Library, Archives and Public Records, our reporting dates back to 2001.
For records concerning fuel tanks please contact ADEQ or the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
For records concerning fuel tanks please contact ADEQ or the State Fire Marshal’s Office.